Archive for November, 2020

November 23, 2020

Butternut Squash Macaroni and Cheese

My little one is quite a picky eater. The only thing she’ll consistently finish is mac and cheese! So I’ve been buying these tiny single serve trays of butternut mac and cheese from FreshDirect that cost $6 each. In an attempt to save money, I stupidly decided I could easily make a huge batch and serve it to them all week for the same price. Did it taste amazing? Yes. Did it save me money? For sure. Was it worth the hour it took to make it then clean up while the kids cried and clung to my legs and everyone was late to work/school?


But maybe next time I’ll make this after they go to bed.

Live and learn.


  • 1/2lb pasta
  • 2 cups+ freshly grated cheese (I used what was in the fridge: aged cheddar, gouda, Parmesan)
  • 2 cups chopped butternut squash
  • 1 shallot, diced
  • 2+ cups milk
  • 3 tbs butter
  • 2 tbs flour
  • 1-2 tbs fresh herbs, minced (we had chives. Sage or parsley works)
  • Salt


  1. Reheat oven to 420F. Peel and chop squash. Toss in oil and shallots and pour into baking pan. Roast ~20min until browned and fork tender.
  2. Undercook pasta by 2min (instapot 1min)
  3. In large pan, melt butter. Slowly stir in flour and make a roux. 2min. Lightly salt.
  4. Nuke milk 1min. Slowly stir into roux until just thickened.
  5. Mash up roasted squash and mix into roux.
  6. Stir in grated cheese and fresh herbs
  7. Mix in pasta until evenly coated.

Notes: could I leave out the roux and just add milk into roasted squash? Healthier but less yummy. Will try this next time.